30 September 2010

John Olive

I’m John Olive, I am 28 years old and a junior at NCSU. I am little older than the average student and therefore have more experience when it comes to travel. I like outdoor activities like camping, hiking, backpacking and biking. My favorite thing to do is attend outdoor music festivals. So when it comes to traveling, I like mild to hot climates, no shirt, and preferably bare foot.  I’m a great travel companion because I am an extroverted thrill seeker that is not afraid of much. My hope is that our group gets to see the underbelly of the countries we visit and that we have an experience that you can’t get from a travel guide. I think that my lack of organization and planning will allow us to have many experiences on a whim and create some great memories. And whenever I’m bored, I find trouble.

16 September 2010

Check us out!

Brendan calls himself a backpacker and has spent many nights wandering the deserts of the American Southwest.  He has traveled to South America and had the opportunity to see such sights as the Galapagos Islands and the Peruvian Amazon.  Not a fan of crowds, children, or obnoxious people in general; while traveling Brendan tends to shy away from the typical tourist track in an attempt to connect with locals and their cultures.  He is a cheap bastard who has no need for the luxuries in life and would rather collect experiences than knick knacks or t-shirts.  Prove to him it is food and he will eat it or tell him there is alcohol in it and he will drink it. 
“I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center.”—Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Hi!  I'm Meghan, the calm, cool, and sporty one of the group.  When it comes to traveling, I tend to think of it as gracing the location with my presence.  Vacationing to me is relaxing on a beach with a great book or radio, tanning for hours, and enjoying fresh seafood for dinner.  Sun, sand, and waves is my ideal place of vacation.  Although, the colors of fall in the mountains are a marvelous sight, my heart lies at the beach.  American based beaches are all my eyes have seen, I have not been able to travel out of the country.  This fact is making my future Fiji trip very promising!  I will travel to a location for its food with no hesitation.  I prefer planes over cars and cars over boats.  If a place is secluded on an island or on a coast, hand me a cold drink, douse me in sun tanning lotion, and I'm in my perfect vacation.

Hey, I'm Brent. I've had the pleasure of traveling throughout Europe when I was younger because I lived in Germany until the age of 13. I've visted France, Spain, and England just to name a few. I've also been to over half of the 50 states! Most of my family resides in Massachusetts so I'm a huge New England Patriots and Boston Celtics fan. I love to watch sports and play them, with football being my favorite. I'm an energetic person who also can be laid-back and calm when needed to be. I also am very interested in meeting new people and visiting new places, basically I'm up for anything!

Hey, I'm David and I am a senior in the College of Management at N.C. State. I have traveled all around the United States, but I've never had the opportunity to travel outside of the country. My idea of a good vacation is good drinks, good food and new people. Give me a couple drinks and I can get along with everyone, as long as I don't blow half of our budget at the local bars. This trip is going to be a little bit of a culture shock for me, but I'm really looking forward to it. My biggest goals for the trip are to make it back to the U.S in one piece, and not end up on an episode of Locked Up Abroad. I have also never been on an airplane, so this trip is going to be full of new experiences. I don't really know what to expect, but it looks like I am about to find out. Here we go!

Hey Everyone! I'm Jeanna and I'm probably the least experienced travel-wise. I have traveled to each state on the eastern coast of the United States, however I haven't ventured much out west or overseas. I've also only been on a plane a few times, so I know I'll be holding on to the armrest for a few of those bumpy flights! I have always longed to go to warm, tropical vacation spots, any place where I can throw on shorts and flip flops and lounge around with a fruity drink! It will be hard to be away from my fiance and my puppy for so long, however I'm looking forward to the adventure and all the new experiences!

03 September 2010

"The Beginning"

For 8 weeks, we will be traveling virtually around the world, experiencing places we have never been before, participating in activities that are genuine and unique to that culture and location.  We invite you to share and read about our stories, enjoy our memories as much as we did.

We venture out from our hometown of Raleigh, leaving RDU International Airport this month in September.  With $100,000 dollars to spend on countless opportunities, we embark for the unknown.  This is our adventure across the ocean.

Goodbye RDU...


Hello World...